Notre Dame Policies

Code of Behaviour

In keeping with the teachings of Christ, Notre Dame College School will strive to create a safe, caring and supportive school environment, free of bullying, for all members of the school community.

This statement is based on the following principles

  • All members of the Catholic School Community are expected to use non-violent means to resolve conflict as reflected in the Gospel values
  • Bullying disrupts the learning, teaching, social and spiritual environment in a school community.
  • Members of the school community have a responsibility to maintain an environment where bullying will be addressed in a manner characterized by respect and civility.
  • The Ontario Code of Conduct sets clear provincial Standards of

Behaviour, which are incorporated into individual school codes of conduct. The Code of Conduct specifies the mandatory and discretionary consequences for student actions that do not comply with these standards. The Notre Dame Community takes pride in maintaining a clean, safe, non-threatening environment so that our students can learn in a supportive atmosphere of mutual respect, dignity and trust.

The policies in this handbook outline the expectations we have of each of our students as members of the Notre Dame community. They are designed to discourage behaviour that is damaging to their education, behaviour that disrupts the learning atmosphere of others, behaviour that disregards the respect we owe to people as well as property. A respect for people, property and the rules themselves are key factors in developing a true sense of responsibility.

Regulation 298 of the Education Act clearly states the responsibilities of each student. In order to reach his/her maximum potential:

A student must:

  • Be diligent in attempting to master those studies which are part of the program in which he/she is enrolled;
  • Exercise self-discipline
  • Accept such discipline as would be exercised by a kind and judicious parent
  • Attend class punctually and regularly
  • Show courtesy to fellow students and obedience and courtesy to teachers
  • Be clean in person and habits
  • Take such tests and examinations as are required
  • Show respect for school property.

Every student is responsible to the Principal of the school for his/her conduct:

  • On school premises
  • In out-of-school activities that are part of the school program
  • While traveling on a school bus owned by the Board or under contract to the Board.


A Vice-Principal/designate will assign detentions for disciplinary issues. These detentions will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:32 to 3:30 p.m. Missing a detention without a valid reason may result in a suspension.

Classroom detentions will be assigned at the discretion of the subject teacher. After repeated offences and subsequent disciplinary action, the student will be referred to a Vice Principal. The Vice Principal:

  • Will Communicate with a parent/guardian
  • May assign an office detention
  • Will formally suspend the student after due warning if the behaviour continues

If a student repeatedly misses an assigned classroom detention, he/she will automatically be referred to the Vice-principal for office detentions. Office detentions are assigned by the Vice-Principal/designate as a result of breach of school policy.

Detentions have TOP priority over any other activity. Failure to serve an assigned detention, notwithstanding prior communication with a Vice-Principal/designate, will result in further detentions being assigned. Repeated failure to serve detentions will result in a suspension for persistent opposition to authority. Only in very exceptional circumstances will a student be permitted to serve an office detention at lunch. In this rare instance, the student will be required to report to the office at the beginning of the lunch period where he/she will be assigned community service (generally, assisting in the effort to maintain a clean school and community environment).


The Tobacco Control Act states that

  • Smoking in school, and on school property is strictly prohibited.
  • Selling or supplying tobacco products to anyone under the age of 19 is strictly prohibited.

Smoking on Notre Dame School property is therefore prohibited by law. Smoking is hazardous to one’s health and we strongly discourage students from smoking. Any smoking on school property, at any time (before and after school, in-between classes, during school dances/functions etc.) will result in an automatic three (3) day suspension from school. At the discretion of the principal, the Regional Tobacco Enforcement Officer may be called to impose a fine under Ontario’s Tobacco Control Act. If cigarettes are confiscated they will be disposed of by administration.

Students, who are of legal age to smoke and choose to smoke, must do so on public property such as the canal bank area. Students are advised that smoking is not permitted on any neighbourhood property or along those streets that are adjacent to school property (i.e. Smith Street, Aqueduct Street or Chippewa Road). Students are cautioned to stay off the street and be aware of traffic. Further, students are not to be situated on any area beyond the paved canal walkway (i.e. on the hill/brow of the bank, on the water’s edge, etc.)


The Violence Free Schools Policy of the board is in effect. Students who choose to resolve problems through violence will be dealt with severely by the Administration. A minimum 3-day suspension is the usual consequence for all involved.


It is illegal for any student to be in the possession of any weapon (real or simulated) on school property or at a school function. Possession or use of weapons including pocket knives, explosives, or incendiary materials including firecrackers will result in an automatic suspension (length determined by administration) and/or withdrawal from Notre Dame. Police will be contacted when necessary.


Vandalism shows complete disrespect for the school and for school property and/or equipment paid at taxpayers’ expense. Students who engage in vandalism (including graffiti of any kind) will be severely penalized. In addition to making full restitution for all damages, vandals will be prosecuted and subject to disciplinary action that will include suspension, and depending on the severity of the damage, may include expulsion.

Computers and Computer Networks

Our technology and science labs are designed to give students opportunities to become more skilled in the use of computers. Students will have access to computers, but are expected to use all equipment responsibly and with care. According to Board policy, vandalism of any kind, destruction of equipment, manipulation of computer files, ‘surfing the internet’ (and/or creating of web sites) for inappropriate information promoting sexual exploitation, violence, hate, etc. will result in loss of computer privileges, suspension and possible police charges.

For a complete reference to all policies please access the Board website

Fire Alarm

Everyone is required to vacate the building immediately when a fire alarm sounds. Fire drills will be held regularly during the school year. Willful false alarms are a criminal offense, punishable by a fine, a jail term or both. The Welland Fire Department will prosecute offenders to the full extent of the law. Fire alarms are not to be tampered with. Students found to pull the fire alarm without just cause, will be suspended.


Under the Criminal code, Section 403 states that anyone who fraudulently impersonates any person with intent to gain advantage for himself or another person is guilty of an offence. A student is guilty of forgery if he/she falsely or fraudulently makes or alters any document, signature or note, voice impersonation, etc. in an effort to deceive or pass it off as genuine. Notre Dame treats such activity as an extremely serious matter and a violation of school policy, which will result in a suspension and may lead to criminal charges depending upon the severity of the situation.

Safe Learning Environment

All students have the right to feel safe and comfortable and to be treated with dignity and respect. The expectation at Notre Dame is that students treat each other with respect, friendliness, kindness and compassion.


  • Students, volunteers or employees who perceive that they have been subjected to harassment (including ethno cultural or sexual harassment) are reminded that they may report their allegations to any member of staff.
  • When an individual or staff member makes a report, it must be communicated to the school administration (Principal or Vice Principal). It will be the duty of the school administration to report these allegations to the Family of Schools Superintendent within 5 school days of the initial reporting.
  • Where these circumstances involving sexual harassment, relate to a child and a person in a position of authority, staff members are reminded of their duties to report forthwith to the Family and Children Services of Niagara, as per the reporting provisions set out in the Child and Family Services Act.

For a complete reference to all policies please access the Board website.